

Hi everyone, I have booked for an illustration workshop at the YARN FESTIVAL on Sunday and I'm feeling pretty exited about it. I'm gonna use the workshop as part of my research for my new project with...AIRSIDE!! I can't believe I'm going to work with them, I love their work and I really would like to do well in this project. Even lacking of illustration experience I am hopping to put together a great story and enjoy the process or, at least, learn as much as I can.

Hope to see you tomorrow at the festival, book soon rather than later!!!




I had read a review of this exhibition a couple of weeks ago in a newspaper or magazine (I don't recall). It said that this was one of the best exhibitions going on in London at the moment, and that John Stezaker images were quite amazing.  Last Friday I went down to the Whitechapel Gallery with my friend Laia and, for free, we had the opportunity to get inspired by Stezaker collages. I didn't know nothing about the artist and, after seeing his work I'm really surprise about this, because what he does seems enough impressive and interesting to be known by the general public as well as the experts.

At the start of my course I had an exercise for which I had to make 100 collages, it's not easy but Stezaker make it look simple. Combining just two images and with minimum manipulation his collages are unexpected, surprising and surreal.

You need to see it!




For my latest project I decided to try for first time to practice illustration. I have spend so long telling to the world, and to myself, that I don't know how to draw that I never have really tried. The illustrations didn't have a great feedback in the context of the newspaper that I designed but I'm really happy with them.  I will be practising more drawing from now on, and more Illustrator at the same time.




Long time without posting, I really feel bad about this. I have been doing a project for university and I didn't feel I had time for anything else, completely concentrated on the design of a newspaper about the 21st Century Graphic designer. I find sometimes really frustrating my Graphic Design and visual communication learning process. I invest a huge amount of time and energy in my projects so far, but I'm getting mediocre results, very disappointing to tell the truth. 

I still believe in my capacities and I'm completely convinced that I can become a great Graphic Designer, I try to remind to myself that I need to be patient and keep working hard, but should I change the way I work? Should I change my approach to my projects and to university life all together?

I have a time management problem, this is something that I have been aware for some time now, I feel like I haven't got the time to do everything I would like to do. When I'm doing a project I spend most of the time on the desk, avoiding other activities, but the final piece of work doesn't reflex the time and effort invested. How do you control time? Can it be bad idea to spend too much time in a project?

As well as my time management problem, looks like my research and analysis doesn't come across at all in my design, and I'm not sure if is because I'm not doing the right research or because I'm not doing enough of it.

So, I am back here, with the hope that somebody had some tips on the subject and because I need to take out my frustration somewhere, and my blog seems like the right place for it.  I really hate to be a complainer but I can help it, I just want to do so well that I forget that this is a learning process that implies much more than sit in front of a book.

But I will get there, you just wait and see.